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2025 Executive Board


Elena Garcia









Amy Salas







Treasurer & Membership     

Brett Knupfer









Gloria Drayton








Events & Fundraising         

Midori Feldman








​Community Watch - City Council
Gloria Fama 











ECHO Committee Lead
Sylvie Beauregard

Membership Outreach
Lisa-Ann Galati

Club objectives

Bring Democrats together to discuss issues and objectives related to Democratic ideals


Contribute to the continual improvement of the Club and the Democratic Party through increased leadership & participation


Inform and educate the voters of the community


Perpetuate and protect the ideals and principles of the United States Constitution and the Democratic Party


Urge qualified Democrats to serve as leaders in the community and support that participation at all levels of Democratic Party activity


Assist Democratic candidates


Act as an informed local source of information concerning Democratic policies and candidates, voter registration, and ballot issues


Encourage membership of individuals without regard to
sex, age, race, religion, color, sexual preference, culture or family background


Club policy

Endorse and support local candidates as members deem worthy


Support nominees of the Democratic Party following the state primary


Encourage and seek involvement through delegations to party conventions

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